Diseases and Prevention Healthcare in Pakistan

Last updated on Tuesday, 14, April, 2020

Pregnancy is such an important, joyful yet stressful period of a woman’s life. It brings you happiness, hope, and joy altogether. But at the same time, women feel stressed about how will this pregnancy go on? How will they cope with the physiological changes in their body? Since the coronavirus outbreak is creating so much panic, for pregnant women it is a continuous source of stress and anxiety.  In this article, we are going to discuss pregnant women’s safety from the infection that has taken over the whole world.

Can pregnant women pass coronavirus to their children?

Experts do not know much about either pregnant mothers can pass coronavirus to their newborn or not. Some babies born to mothers suffering from coronavirus have been tested positive for coronavirus. The coronavirus does not occur in breast milk and amniotic fluid samples. Since there is a high chance that mothers suffering from coronavirus can infect their babies, the doctors separate the newborns from their mothers to protect them.

How can pregnant women’s safety be enhanced?

Pregnant women should take all the basic preventive measures to protect themselves. They should take the following measures to protect themselves from getting infected with coronavirus:

  • Wash their hands frequently with soap and water. Also, they can use sanitizer for disinfecting their hands.
  • Avoid traveling in public transport.
  • Use a tissue paper when sneezing. Discard that tissue paper quickly.
  • Avoid going out to public places and gatherings.
  • Try to consult your doctor through telemedicine. Avoid unnecessary exposure to hospitals and clinics. Since they are also a hub of transmitting infections.
  • Stay 2 meters away from people if you go out.

 What about pregnant women with heart disease?

Pregnant women with congenital or acquired heart disease should stay in quarantine for at least 12 weeks. They should strictly avoid going out because they are at high risk of catching the infection. Since infections are lethal for both pregnant women and patients with heart diseases. People on risk should ask their friends or family members to bring necessary goods like groceries and medicines for them.  Ask all family members to wash their hands when they come home back from outside. Also do not forget to disinfect high touch surfaces like doorknobs, switchboards and mobile phones, etc.

Is pregnant women’s safety at high risk?

There is no such evidence that pregnant women’s safety is at higher risk of catching the coronavirus infection. Experts believe that pregnant women will also face the same symptoms as other people of the same age group. According to current information, pregnant women will also face mild to moderate symptoms. Coronavirus symptoms include cough, fever, fatigue, shortness of breath and pneumonia.

Can COVID-19 increase the risk of miscarriage?

According to the center for disease control (CDC), coronavirus does not increase the risk of miscarriage or fetal complications.  Another complication that can occur due to disease is preterm labor. However, there is not much data to comment on how the coronavirus poses harm to pregnant women’s safety.

How can you keep your immune system strong?

You should take your prescribed multivitamins daily. Also do not forget to take vitamin C as a supplement as well as in your diet. It boosts immunity and helps you to fight against infections. You should take a diet rich in antioxidants. Add plenty of fruits and green vegetables in your diet. Have a good sleep of the least  8 hours. Sleeping well keeps you healthy and strong. Drink plenty of water, keep yourself hydrated.

What about the baby shower?

The baby shower is a memorable and joyous event in one’s life. Since the Centre for disease control and prevention (CDC) has asked people to practice social distancing, you should cancel all the gatherings. Your health and your baby’s health are more important than anything. You should neither host nor attend any party or any gathering.

Should you get a flu shot?

Pregnant women should get a flu shot. It would not protect you against coronavirus, but it can help in lowering the flu symptoms. Make sure to consult your doctor first regarding that, because flu shot can sometimes cause complications for you and the baby. If you start having cold-like symptoms after a flu shot, do consult your doctor.


Pregnancy during coronavirus outbreak is so stressful. But you should make sure to think positive, stay calm and happy. Continuous stress and tension are not good for your health as well as your baby’s health. Try to concentrate on other tasks that keep you busy. Do things that relax you, lower your stress. Stay socially connected to your friends and family via cellphone. Stay isolated, stay protected. Don’t visit any hospital. In case you need any direct advice from doctors, take an online consultation through InstaCare Telemedicine App or visit here. For more information, visit contact us.