E-prescribing can therefore be described as the generation and transfer of prescriptions electronically by prescribers to the pharmacies. Its goal was to be more efficient, safer and reduce the repeated medication errors and at the same time enrich the other aspects of patient care. Nevertheless, concerning virtually any advancement in technology, implications to security are […]
Paper prescriptions and electronic prescribing are two contrasting methods of medication management. The healthcare environment continues to morph along with the method of prescription creation. This paper is an attempt to shed light on how the two ways differ from one another, listing the advantages that each mode produces as well as the shortcomings of […]
Electronic prescription is a great technology that has taken over prescribing drugs in the healthcare facilities. This speeds up the medication administration process, greatly reduces the margin of error that comes with manual entry, and provides a more secure system to prevent drug errors. Several issues of the present article will discuss the advantages of […]