
What Would A Post-corona World Look Like?

Everyone nowadays is talking about coronavirus pandemic. The majority of people, all over the world are practicing social distancing, taking all the measures to protect themselves from catching the virus. It is depressing to be locked at home for such a long period, but at the same time, people are surely going to learn some […]

Clinic Management Software Coronavirus Diseases and Prevention EMR Software in Pakistan Healthcare in Pakistan Medical News Practice Management Updates

What Is Government’s Response To Coronavirus In Pakistan?

Regarding, the government’s response to coronavirus, on March 13, the first meeting of the National Security Council (NHC) took place. The Prime Minister of Pakistan chaired the NHC meeting which includes top military and civil leadership. The purpose of the meeting was to look at the alarming threat to the health system. So he asked […]

Clinic Management Software Coronavirus Diseases and Prevention Healthcare in Pakistan Telemedicine

How To Prevent Corona Virus Through Telemedicine?

Telemedicine is providing health care when patients and physicians (doctors) are not physically present there. An advancement in telemedicine has given people the choice that whether to visit doctors physically or approach doctors virtually. While using telemedicine, doctors and patients can share screens and share information from one computer to another. In addition, it is […]

Coronavirus Healthcare in Pakistan Practice Management Telemedicine

How Can Doctors Keep Going During Corona Outbreak Through Telemedicine

In today’s time of coronavirus outbreak, which has now become a pandemic, there is a heavy workload on healthcare professionals. They are at great risk of catching the infection. In Italy, out of 67,814 reported cases of coronavirus, 6205 cases are of health care workers according to the 25th march report. These statistics show that […]

Coronavirus Diseases and Prevention EMR Software in Pakistan Telemedicine

Telemedicine In Pakistan Can Help Increasing Access To Doctors With Safety

While the sixth most populated country,  Pakistan with its population of over 200 Million people is fighting against Coronavirus, InstaCare has introduced free-of-cost online coronavirus consultation by using telemedicine in Pakistan. The country is about to exceed 200 coronavirus infections in Pakistan with 2 recoveries and 1 death. According to research children and elders over […]

Clinic Management Software Coronavirus EMR Software in Pakistan Healthcare in Pakistan Telemedicine

Fighting Coronavirus with Telemedicine in Pakistan

The Covid-19 pandemic is spreading globally and numbers are increasing exponentially. So far, 182,605 cases have been reported. 7,171 people have died and 79,881 people have recovered. The spread of coronavirus is increasing with every passing day taking the tally to a total of 184 cases. People coming from Tahtan are considered to be the […]

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