Uncategorized Clinic Management Software Healthcare in Pakistan
Efficency with clinic management software

How InstaCare Improved Efficiency with Clinic Management Software In Pakistan?

In this health industry, efficiency is something that becomes an imperative to ensure quality care to the patients. With InstaCare operating at several clinics, huge difficulties were being faced in managing appointments, recording, and setting up communication with the patients. Feeling these problems and wanting to streamline operational efficiency, InstaCare opted for a full-fledged software […]

Uncategorized Healthcare in Pakistan Practice Management
Document Management System

Explore Document Management System in Healthcare Sector 2024

In today’s world, where technology is rapidly evolving, the healthcare field is also changing drastically. One significant change is how we handle documents. Instead of sticking to old-fashioned paper files, many healthcare organizations are now shifting towards electronic document management systems (EDMS). These systems make it easier to keep track of important medical documents and […]

Digital Health Healthcare in Pakistan Partnerships Uncategorized
Partnership Agreement InstaCare Chughtai Lab 4500px x 4000px Copy

Chughtai Lab Teams up With InstaCare For Digitalization of Medical Centers

InstaCare is the rapidly-growing digital health company in Pakistan that enables healthcare accessible, reliable, and efficient. Founded by M Bilal Amjad, Commonwealth Award Holder who has been promoting digital health for many years. InstaCare holds a strong position in Pakistan and comes among award-winning top digital health companies in the region. InstaCare offers the best […]

EMR Software in Pakistan Health Healthcare in Pakistan Technology Uncategorized
Hospital management software

Why Do Hospitals Need IT Software for Management Systems?

Nowadays IT software is most important for hospital management systems. This software better the experience of patients by making use of better systems for decision making. Through this software hospitals and clinics manage operations, increase patient retention and manage financial operations and many more. In this software, you can add the health record and the […]

Clinic Management Software Health Healthcare in Pakistan Uncategorized
E-prescribing software

Best E-Prescribing Software For Doctors in 2022

Through E-prescribing software physicians can write the prescription on the software rather than on paper. This method of accessing data really makes a difference for your patients. E-prescription software is also a direct way through which you can send the prescription to the pharmacy by EHR technology. You can also make prescribing more efficient and […]

Clinic Management Software Dental Dental Software Health Healthcare in Pakistan Technology Uncategorized
software for dentist

E-prescribing Software for Dentists

E-prescribing software for dentists is the framework through which the dentist or other medical physicians write and send the prescriptions to the participating pharmacy electronically. Why do dentists prefer E-prescribing software? . This software helps dentists to control the healthcare cost of their clinics by selecting medicines that are good for patients’ health. . E-prescribing […]