Clinic Management Software EMR Software in Pakistan Health Healthcare in Pakistan Practice Management

Last updated on Friday, 16, April, 2021

A patient history management system enables you to create bills, manage appointments, save patient’s history, patients’ detail, prescription and many more. Through this software, you can transform your practice into digital form with fast and easy access. Moreover, the software helps in managing the financial activities of the clinic or a hospital, making the processes hassle-free and less time-consuming.  By keeping the data on a patient history management software, you can keep your organization’s data safe and secure by backing it up daily.

Patients can also keep their histories in this software, so that, they can access it or show it to any healthcare provider whenever needed.  In this article, we are going to discuss how a patient history management system be beneficial?

Benefits of a patient history management system

Better communication

The history management software enables healthcare providers to communicate in a better way among each other as well as with their patients. Since the software contains all the important details like laboratory tests results, pharmacy orders and previous history etc. Therefore healthcare providers access their patient’s record with ease and in a short time. Furthermore, healthcare providers can discuss a particular case by reviewing it separately on their screens. They would not require to rotate a single file among each other or in the different departments of a hospital.

The healthcare professionals can communicate in a better way with their patients as well though this software. Physicians can enter advice for their patients and also monitor them virtually. Moreover, they can educational material to their patients that helps them in coping up with the condition. No matter where healthcare providers are present, they can keep in touch with their patients.

Online appointment scheduling

Through patient history management system, patients can book their appointments by themselves, at any time from anywhere. Through this feature, they do not need to wait for office hours and can schedule their appointments according to their schedule. Moreover, they can make the payment online via this software from the comfort of their home. This system also sends automated reminders to the patients in the form of SMS, emails and phone calls. So that they do not miss their appointments, resulting in reduced no show visits.

Online appointment scheduling let hospitals or clinics to reduce the staff that would be needed for appointment booking. You can also save the money that you would invest in hiring the staff.

Safe and secure

You can keep your organization’s data safe and secure by storing it in a patient management software. No matter if you lose data due to fire, theft or any other incident, you can get it back through the backup plan. Since this software backs up the data daily, you can get it back with ease.

Moreover, not everyone can access the patient’s record when stored on software. Only trusted people like employees can access the data through a registered IP address. In this way, data remains safe and secure because only trusted people can access it.

Reduced errors

When everything is done manually, there is a chance of error. While when the same thing is done through a clinic management software, there is a reduced chance of error. This software checks that the right medication is going to the patient according to the condition. Furthermore, it makes sure that there are no contraindications of the drug to the patient.

It would also check the prescribed dose and dosage form according to the body mass index, weight and age. The software will also give suggestions for medications according to the condition, making it easier for the physician to prescribe.

Saves time

If you would perform all the activities of a clinic or a hospital-like bills creation, appointment booking, inventory management, it would take a lot of your time. While if you would do that through a patient history management system, you can save a lot of your time.  You will just need to enter the details and, the software would perform all the activities. It would serve as an administrator of your hospital. Through the software, you can create bills, manage inventory, monitor sales and purchase in a short time with ease.


The patient history management software has many benefits when used during clinical practice. It saves all the patients detail hence you can easily access the records in a few minutes. Moreover, it also saves a lot of time, money and effort. So that you can serve your patients in an efficient way in less time.

InstaCare is providing a patient history management software that is low-cost, reliable and trusted by many organizations. For more details please contact the best emr ehr software company in pakistan.