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Clinic Management Software Coronavirus Diseases and Prevention EMR Software in Pakistan Healthcare in Pakistan Medical News Practice Management Updates

What Is Government’s Response To Coronavirus In Pakistan?

Regarding, the government’s response to coronavirus, on March 13, the first meeting of the National Security Council (NHC) took place. The Prime Minister of Pakistan chaired the NHC meeting which includes top military and civil leadership. The purpose of the meeting was to look at the alarming threat to the health system. So he asked […]

Clinic Management Software Dental Software EMR Software in Pakistan Practice Management

Clinic Management System Can Reduce Your Burden In 5 Ways

When someone visits a clinic, it might seem organized and up to date, but making it look like that needs lots of effort, hard work, and passion, in short, it’s not an easy task. Several efforts and energy are required to organize patient data, managing accounts, keeping the track of appointments and giving timely reminders […]

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