Clinic Management Software EMR Software in Pakistan Health Healthcare in Pakistan Technology
EMR software in Pakistan

Last updated on Thursday, 16, September, 2021

The electronic medical record software is a system that keeps the record of all the ongoing activities and helps with its management. It serves as a complete directory of the patient that contains their name, age, gender, disease history, medication history, documented allergies, and all the other health conditions. With its use, healthcare providers can easily access the records of patients with only a medical record number. This software has made keeping and managing information about the patient much simple and easy. Thereby, enabling you in increasing overall clinical productivity.

Moreover, through its use, you can also save the cost you would invest in hiring people for different activities. It will let you store all the details of the patient without any hassle.  The EHR software enables you to transform your business activities into digital means. With it, you do not need to create tokens, bills, or documents by yourself. It will create all the documents digitally and you can share them with your clients as well. Hence, making it easy to interconnect with each other.


With the feature of telemedicine, healthcare providers can do online consultations. Therefore, they can save time that they would spend on transportation. They do not need to drive to the hospital.

Also, they can carry on their clinics from the comfort of their home. If they are not feeling well, they can still serve their patients. They do not need to overexert themselves. Therefore, it eventually helps reduce undue stress over them.

Easy diagnosis

The electronic medical record software eases the procedure of finalizing the diagnosis for the healthcare providers. Whenever they update the signs and symptoms the patient is suffering from on the software, it gives them suggestions about the disease. This feature makes it easier for them to make and finalize the diagnosis.

Easy prescribing

Whenever the healthcare providers update the diagnosis of the patient, the EMR software shows the suggestions related to prescribing. It shows the best medicine, keeping in view the allergy history of the patient. Moreover, it shows the right, and adequate dose one needs according to their body mass index and health. These features make it much easier and stress-free for health care providers to work.

Accessible data

The records of the patient are one of the most essential things in the healthcare industry. The doctors need them in every step of their clinical practice to make any decision. With the help of electronic medical record software, the data remains accessible 24/7 for healthcare providers. They do not wait and search for records. Only they need to get a medical record number to access the data.

Easy summarizing

Before discharging any patient, healthcare providers need to make a summary of the patient’s case. The electronic health record software makes it much easier to make it. It can create the summary in a short time automatically, thereby, reducing overall stress.

Easy to reach the records

The records of the patient are one of the most essential things in the healthcare industry. The doctors need them in every step of their clinical practice to make any decision. With the help of electronic medical record software, the data remains accessible 24/7 for healthcare providers. The administrative staff need not search for them and spend hours for that. Only, they need to get a medical record number to access the data. They can easily provide it to healthcare providers.

Easy billing

Billing is a time taking and difficult thing to do. One has to make sure that they have punched all the services the patient has availed. Through the electronic medical record software, the administrative staff can create the bill with a single click. They only need a medical record number, and they can print the bill, within minutes, without the need for calculations and all.

Inventory management

The administrative staff has to keep a complete record of all the goods purchased, sell and present, in the organization. It is a time taking and arduous task to do. One has to count the items daily, what they have sold and what they have bought. The electronic medical record system eases with that as well. It can maintain the inventory efficiently. It will also keep them informed about how many stocks are left, how much they have sold, and how many of them were bought.

Online payments

The EMR software can receive and send online payments as well. Therefore, the staff does not need to do that and keep them in check. They can make payments through it as well, without the need to visit in person.

Multi-User Access

The electronic health record software enables multiple people to access the same document at a time.

 SMS Alerts

It reminds you via SMS about the patient’s appointments and the payments made so that you do not miss anything important.


If you want to manage your clinical record then use EMR software because it enables you to transform your business activities into digital.