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Mental Health Diseases and Prevention Healthcare in Pakistan lab tests Lab Tests and Diagnostics Medical News PCR Tests Quarantine

How Can Older People Stay Safe From This Pandemic?

Older adults and people seem to be at higher risk. We can make sure that older people stay safe. But people with severe diseases like cancer, heart, lungs, and diabetes are at higher risk. They can develop more complications from the infectious disease.  Because 8 out of 10 deaths in the US have been in […]

Coronavirus Diseases and Prevention Medical News Updates

How much progress has been done on Coronavirus vaccine?

Coronavirus vaccine is an arduous, million-dollar task nowadays when the coronavirus has become a global health crisis, killed thousands of people, and spreading throughout the world at an alarming rate, Considering the whole situation of pandemic created by the coronavirus, it puts huge pressure on scholars, researchers, and scientists, to create an effective vaccine for […]

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